Journal of the International Law Department of the University of Miskolc


Miskolc Journal of International Law

Miskolci Nemzetközi Jogi Közlemények

Archive / Előző számok



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Előző Számok



    Articles of Volume 1. (2004) No. 2.


Eszter Kirs: Saint Stephen’s Legacy, Immigration and Foreign Policy in Hungary in the X-XIst Century                                             The article in pdf. format

István Stipta: Frühe Vorstellungen von der Kooperation der europäischen Staaten, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die französische Ideen / Europa-Begriff im Mittelalter   (With abstract in English)                   The article in pdf. format

Alain Fenet : Emeric Crucé aux origines du pacifisme et de l’internationalisme modernes                                                              The article in pdf. format

Gyula Gál: Das Luftrecht des Fürsten: war Dancko Dankó?
(With abstract in English
)                                       The article in pdf. format

Emmanuelle Jouannet: La critique de la pensée classique durant l’entre-deux guerres : Vattel et Van Vollenhoven (Quelques réflexions sur le modčle classique du droit international)
(With abstract in English)
                                      The article in pdf. format

Erich Kussbach: Heinrich Lammasch, Scholar of Public International Law and Austrian Statesman                                               The article in pdf. format

Dobromir Mihajlov: The Origin and the Early Development of International Civil Service                                                                  The article in pdf. format

Gábor Sulyok: The Doctrine of Just War and its Applicability in Contemporary International Law                                                  The article in pdf. format

Louis-Philippe Rouillard: The Caroline Case : Anticipatory Self-Defence in Contemporary International Law                          The article in pdf. format

Tibor Takács: La Transylvanie et la lumičre du croissant : protectorat ou souveraineté?                                                       The article in pdf. format

Tamás Vince Ádány: Rebellion or War of Independence? The Case of the Martyrs of Arad                                                                  The article in pdf. format

Alexandre Charles Kiss: Un premier exemple de l’administration internationale d’un territoire: le  dépôt de la Crčte entre les mains du Directoire européen en 1897.                                                                     The article in pdf. format

Péter Kovács: Paul Teleki et le rčglement de l’affaire de Mossoul dans la Société des Nations                                                           The article in pdf. format

Katalin Siska: Historical and Legal Perspectives of the Right of Asylum and Extradition until the 19th Century                         The article in pdf. format

Syméon Karagiannis: Des traités d’échange de populations au nettoyage ethnique                                                                The article in pdf. format

William R. Slomanson: Historical Development of Arbitration and Adjudication                                                          The article in pdf. format

Blaise Tchikaya: L’entrée historique des pays d’Afrique dans la jurisprudence internationale                                                        The article in pdf. format

Dinah Shelton: The World of Atonement Reparations for Historical Injustices                                                              The article in pdf. format

József Gehér: Le destin juridique des oeuvres d’art hongroises enlevées en Russie                                                                   The article in pdf. format

Csaba Pákozdy: Les effets de la deuxičme guerre mondiale dans la jurisprudence de la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme sur la liberté d’expression                                                          The article in pdf. format



Talking with Géza Herczegh, former Hungarian judge of the International Court of Justice
Interview by Eszter Kirs

                                                                              The article in pdf. format


Péter Kovács: Anuario de Derecho Internacional (XIX) 2003

                                                                              The article in pdf. format


Anikó Raisz: The Charles Rousseau Moot Court Contest - 2004

                                                                                 The article in pdf. format



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