Louis-Philippe F. Rouillard:
Precise of the Laws of
Armed Conflicts
(review by Eszter Kirs)
author is a retired captain of the Canadian army and currently a
PhD-student at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest.
Earlier he was a lecturer at the Royal Military College of Canada and
served also as a civil-military relations officer in
Bosnia-Herzegovina. This book was written by him first with the aim to
instruct the officers of the Canadian Forces at the Royal Military
College. It was published by the iUniverse, Inc. in 2004 in Lincoln,
Although it was later developed to a high scientific level, the book
did not lose its practical approach, as it was originally written to
military officers. It can be recognised on the personal address of the
readers according to its main aim to draw attention to the necessity
of respect towards International Humanitarian Law. It is a huge
responsibility to clarify all the significant legal rules applicable
in armed conflicts to those persons who will enforce them in reality.
The author fulfilled this task to a large extent, both in
methodological and in legal vocational point of view.
Louis-Philippe F. Rouillard created an easily understandable line of
thoughts in his work. He introduced the Geneva and Hague Law in a
clear systematic order beginning with the overview of the historical
development of Laws of Armed Conflicts from the ancient times to the
appearance of a stronger and global norm-system in the 19th
century by the 1st Geneva Convention in 1864. Then he
followed the further improvement of this field of law till recent
times dealing with the relevant international treaties such as the
1868 St. Petersburg Declaration, the 1899-1907 Hague Conventions and
the 1949 Geneva Conventions with its 1977 Additional Protocols. He did
not only introduce the legal rules included in these documents, but
devoted a chapter also to the legal nature of them and to the issue of
the humanitarian legal norms of a jus cogens character.
a significant part of the book the most important norms are discussed
which protect the civilian population and property affected by armed
conflicts in the field, at the sea and in the air. The
cross-references in the text among the legal rules are easy to follow
and ensure a compound overview of the system of these rules. Beyond
outlining the legal rules and main principles in a theoretical way,
the author refers continuously to examples of practice as well, that
inspire the reader to recognise the inevitable necessity of these
rules’ enforcement. The book describes also the most actual steps in
the development of International Humanitarian Law. For example, it
mentions also the Third Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions
about the recognition of an additional emblem alongside the red cross
and red crescent, known as the red crystal which can be used free from
any religious, political or other connotation. When the book was born
it was just a plan, but now the idea is already brought about as the
Additional Protocol was adopted in Geneva, on 8th December
author shows his very critical point of view, for instance, regarding
to the issue of use of nuclear weapons, the practice of the United
States related to prisoner of war status regarding to the Al Queda and
Taliban fighters detained in Guantanamo Bay and the problematic notion
of “unlawful combatant”. He discusses the statements of the United
States also regarding to the right to anticipatory self-defence. In
this respect he refers to the Caroline incident of 1837 and introduces
its consequences in a deeply detailed way outlining numerous aspects
of this legal and political problem. At the same time, he criticises
also the recent political strategies and steps taken by the Bush
Administration of the United States.
topic of criminal jurisdiction in cases of war crimes is outlined by
the author from the point of view of both the Canadian legal practice
with numerous cases and international criminal jurisdiction.
Louis-Philippe F. Rouillard devoted less words to the International
Criminal Court but much more to the existence of ad hoc
tribunals of an international character referring to the International
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda, the
Special Court for Sierra Leone, and dealing with the Iraqi Special
Tribunal in a more detailed way.
Concluding my opinion about this book, I can say that it is an
extremely valuable mean of dissemination of the knowledge on
International Humanitarian Law in an appropriate way, and as such it
is able to serve also the aim of Laws of Armed Conflicts, which is
“not to outlaw war but to regulate the conduct of hostilities and
limit inflicted suffering as well as creating
conditions for a return to a durable peace.”